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Indian Politics

Do These Mean Return of Good Times for UPA and Congress?

UPA 2 government had been facing severe crisis and loss of image by constant media sensationalism and India Against Corruption(IAC) movement in particular, which highlighted many corruption charges including presumptive losses over 2G and coal. Often it was not the BJP, but it was the IAC which played the role of opposition …

Closed Mouth

Importance of Freedom of Speech and Expression

Indians always boast about their freedom of speech and expression, a fundamental right given to them by the founding fathers of the constitution. This right is perhaps the most important right in the constitution after the right to life, and we all are aware that there are millions of unprivileged people across …

Priority Areas in 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017)

(Excerpts from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visionary statement at the Full Planning Commission Meeting) 12th Five Year Plan targets a faster, inclusive and sustainable growth. The target is 8.2% growth. The priority areas are the following: A rebound in the second half of the current year(2012-13) Implementation of infrastructure projects: This …

Why does India need FDI and FII?

Indian export prospects are weak and the 12th Five Year Plan projects a current account deficit of 2.9 per cent of GDP. This must be financed mainly through FDI and FII flows, so that reliance on external debt is limited. But is it easy to attract FDI and FII? To …

Achievements of UPA Government in last 10 years

8 years to be precise, from 2004 to 2012 – India has witnessed the UPA1 and UPA2 coalitions, and may see 2 more years of UPA government if the coalition partners and supporters from outside find it a safe-bet politically to support the government at center, which has been strangled …

PMO statement on Sonia Gandhi’s travel expenses

PMO statement on UPA chairperson’s travel expenses is as below: Media reports quoting certain quarters about massive expenses from the Exchequer on UPA Chairperson’s Overseas visits have been brought to the notice of the Prime Minister’s Office. The reports quoting an expense of Rs. 1880 crore are untrue and misleading.The …

Government’s Steps To Curb Corruption

The Right To Information Act 2005 Proposed Steps/Bills for curbing corruption and enhancing transparency The Whistle-blowers Protection Bill The Time-bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of Grievances Bill(Citizens Charter Bill). Electronic Delivery of Services Bill. National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy. Initiative to facilitate direct cash transfer of government benefits to public …

Democracy vs Republic – Difference between Democracy and Republic

Democracy vs Republic – Are you thinking these terms as synonymous? You are not right, if you are. What is the difference between Democracy and Republic? Democracy Democracy is a form of government where the supreme authority is people. Unlike hereditary kingship, people elects their representatives in democracy. This system is based …

Jan Lokpal – The Means and Demands

Corruption needs to be curbed. No second thoughts on that. But what is the right and practical step towards that? Jan Lokpal Bill? The main worries lie in creating a Draconian Law, enabling a few super-power individuals, who are not democratically elected by common people, controlling the Prime Minister, Judiciary, …

Reservation – Time For Change?

It is high time for a better system or method which can uplift all the sections of the country, and the 1931 census based caste reservation is not clearly the solution. The easy way for government is to provide reservation for all those whose cry for it, but they should …