XAT 2013 Papers Getting Re-evaluated!

XAT 2013 results were out much sooner than anticipated, but much to the dismay of many. Hundreds of candidates complained about low marks in XAT 2013 even though they performed well during the exam. The scores were particularly low in Quantitative section of the paper, when compared with the corresponding scores in answer keys published by  different coaching institutes.

As per the MBA website pagalguy.com, all papers of XAT 2013 are being re-evaluated for errors. The process is very rare in the history of XAT exams. XAT exam which is still conducted in paper-pencil format had a long reputation of smooth and fair selection process unlike the CAT exam which is a computerized one.

XAT 2013 – What went wrong?


XAT 2013 – What went wrong?

Sources are not very clear if there is any major mistake. Nor are they sure about the reasons for the wide complaints. It seems the problem of unexpectedly low marks (after cross-checking with keys) is not faced by all test  takers, the number of affected candidates may be less than 10,000 (10%), but that is still a big number.

The act of XLRI, the institution responsible for the conduct of XAT to re-check the results is gladly welcomed by many candidates. Students have expressed their respect for this trendsetting act, which as per them only increased the integrity of the exam and institution.