Cash for Votes Scam – The WikiLeaks Side
With the release of India Cables by WikiLeaks-The Hindu’, there was a real overflow of the so called ‘confidential information’ to the Blind public regarding Foreign and Domestic policies and how the US embassy work with India.These cables had given fair chance to the public to get an unbiased thinking, though the contents of the cables can sometimes be termed as just ‘opinions’ and not ‘facts’.
Among the many cables released, it was the ‘Cash for Vote scam which’ caught fire.
The bribery allegation and associated Sting operation by opposing party happened in 2008 during 14th parliament. But, as PM said the UPA –II increased its majority in 15th parliament because the people were unaffected by these allegations.
The Parliamentary committee investigation regarding the case didn’t prove any bribery and Delhi Police investigation is still in progress.
Speaking from the moral side, there is no reason asking for resignation of PM whose party is trusted by a majority even after these issues, and more over Public money should not be wasted for re-elections.
But looking from legal and ethical side, if there is corruption or bribery involved, the culprits should be brought to light and punished. Ultimately its a rat race for power, aimed at Tax Payer’s money. Corruption and Bribery can in no way be justified in a democratic nation.
But which party can claim that their hands are completely free from corruption?